Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy agreement

Qatar Manpower Solutions Co. (Jusour) Q.P.S.C (“Jusour”) is committed to protecting the rights and privacy of the visitors of its website.

The words "we”, "us" or "our(s)" hereunder refer to Jusour and the terms "you" and "your" hereunder refer to the user of Jusour website.

You consent to the collection, use and disclosure of the Information (as defined below) as set forth in this privacy policy or any modification thereof by providing Information using any of the services provided by Jusour. Therefore, please review this privacy policy carefully.

By consenting, a legal binding agreement between yourself and Jusour will be constituted regarding the privacy policy.

Purpose of Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how Jusour collects and uses the Information you provide. It also describes the choices available to you regarding our use of the Information and how you can access and update this Information. Please read the following carefully to understand our views and practices regarding the Information and how we will treat it.

In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the website terms and this privacy policy, the terms of this privacy policy shall prevail.


“Information” means personal information related to the user of the Jusour website and any information you submit as part of your application and the registering process on the Jusour website. This information includes, but is not limited to, name, home address, phone number, email, information related to your field of study, information related to experience, previous work. Passport/residency number, sponsorship status in Qatar and any other information provided through the website.

Information we collect

The Information we collect relates to information you give us by filling in forms on Jusour website, or by corresponding with us (for example, by e-mail). The submitted information includes but is not limited to information you provide when you register to use the website, subscribe to any of our services, search for Jusour or services, and when you report a problem with Jusour or our services. The Information you give us may include but not limited to your name, address, e-mail address and phone number, education history, previous work experience, age, username, password and other registration information, and personal description.

We may collect certain technical and device information about your use of our website/mobile application. Such information may include your internet protocol address, information about your device, browser and operating system, and the date and time of your visit/use of our website/mobile application.

Furthermore, you may otherwise interact with us, whether in person, by phone, by email, or otherwise, we may collect Information that you provide to us during these interactions. This Information may include your name, e-mail address and other contact information.

Information we use

We use the Information for the purposes you consent for, and for such other purposes as may be permitted or required by applicable law.

We do not use the Information we collect to provide advertising of third-party services or to conduct targeted advertising of our services across third party websites or service offerings. We will only disclose the Information to organizations for the purpose of employment, training or for other purposes relating to the services we provide through our website/mobile application.

Sharing the Information

We will share the Information with third parties only in the ways that are described in this privacy policy.

We may provide the Information to companies that provide services to help us with our business activities. These third parties are authorized to use the Information only as necessary to provide these services to us.

Retention and deletion of Information

We will use, disclose or retain the Information only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes for which that Information was collected and as permitted or required by law, or until your account is deleted - whichever comes first.

You may make a written request to us to delete your account. Unless required by applicable law or regulation to retain the Information, we will make reasonable efforts to delete your account and Information promptly after receiving a request from you to do so.

Third Party Websites and Services

This privacy policy applies only to our website and services. This privacy policy does not extend to any websites or services provided by third parties. We do not assume responsibility for the privacy practices of such third parties, and we encourage you to review all third-party privacy policies prior to using third party websites or products or services.

Privacy Policy Updates

We may update this privacy policy to reflect changes to our information practices or any relevant statute, regulations and/or policy. We encourage you to periodically review our website/mobile application for the latest information on our privacy practices.


Jusour’s Online Partnership Website Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”)

Qatar Manpower Solutions Co. (Jusour) Q.P.S.C. (Jusour) is a data controller and is, in accordance with the terms below, responsible for the processing of your Personal Data (as defined below).


Personal data

Personal data refers to any information that may be linked directly or indirectly to your creation of an account for the purposes of using the services advertised on the Jusour’s partnership’s website (Use of the Partnership Website) as an eligible candidate including your name, birthdate, nationality, gender, passport and QID numbers, passport and QID expiry dates, sponsor, email address, phone number, resume and all the information contained in the resume,, degrees and certificates, and any other information or documents required for the purposes of your Application [MS1] (together, the Personal Data).



By submitting your Personal Data, you hereby:

·       agree to the processing of your Personal Data as set out in this Privacy Policy;

·       confirm that the Personal Data you have submitted to Jusour is correct;

·       acknowledge that the processing of Personal Data is necessary to use the Partnership Website for the purposes of redeeming the Services;

·       understand that the failure to provide any or all of the Personal Data requested by Jusour may lead to the rejection of youruse of the Partnership Website; and

·       confirm that you have read, understood and agree to be bound by the terms of this Privacy Policy.



Jusour will collect and use the Personal Data for the purposes of:

·       processing your account application;

·       allowing you to redeem the Services including discounts displayed on the Partnership website;

·       communicating with you in relation to your creation of an account on the Partnership website; and

·       any other reason deemed necessary by Jusour in relation to your use of the Partnership website.[MS2] 


To the extent permitted under the laws of the State of Qatar and other applicable data protections laws, Jusour, its affiliates and relevant authorities in the State of Qatar may use the Personal Data for the purposes set out above, at any time without any further written consent from you.


Your rights

In using the Personal Data, Jusour will comply with its obligations and safeguard your rights under Qatari laws with respect to any Personal Data to which Jusour is subject, including:


·       the right to be informed about the collection and use of the Personal Data;

·       the right to access and to receive a copy of the Personal Data that Jusour holds about you;

·       the right to rectification if any Personal Data that Jusour holds about you is inaccurate or incomplete;

·       the right to erasure – i.e., the right to ask Jusour to delete any Personal Data that Jusour holds about you;

·       the right to restrict (i.e., prevent) the processing of the Personal Data; and

·       the right to revoke consent at any time.


Storage of the Personal Data, transfer to third parties and retention

Jusour shall store, process and retain the Personal Data as follows:

·       the Personal Data will be stored and maintained in a database in Qatar. If Jusour stores, processes or transfers Personal Data to any other country, Jusour will take all reasonable steps to ensure that the Personal Data is treated as safely and securely as it would be within the European Economic Area and under the applicable data protection laws.

·       the Personal Data may be transferred to third parties in and outside of the State of Qatar including (without limitation) to:

(i)             IT service providers, for processing on behalf of Jusour[MS3] .

·       unless otherwise required to comply with applicable laws or for the protection of Jusour’s rights, the Personal Data shall be retained by Jusour only for as long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes outlined above.



By submitting your Personal Data, you herewith unconditionally and irrevocably waive any and all claims against Jusour, its officers, directors, employees, representatives, affiliates, auxiliaries and partners resulting from any loss incurred in connection with the use of the Personal Data by Jusour at set out in this Privacy Policy.


Amendments to this privacy policy

 Jusour shall have the right to make any amendments it deems appropriate and reasonable to this privacy police at any time and without prior notice.


Applicable law

This privacy policy is subject to and shall be interpreted in accordance with the provisions of the laws, procedures, rules and regulations applicable in the State of Qatar, and the Qatari courts of justice shall be the only courts competent to consider any dispute that may arise from the implementation or interpretation of any provision of this privacy policy.


Complaint and Contact

In the event of any cause for complaint about the use of the Personal Data or if you have any questions relating to this Privacy Policy, please contact Jusour at the following email address: [email protected]. All notices may also be addressed to Qatar Manpower Solutions Co. (Jusour) Q.P.S.C., Qatar Tower, 15th Floor, Petra St, PO Box 8949, Doha, State of Qatar, Attention: Legal Department.