Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Partnership Website: Terms and Conditions for Companies


Jusour’s Online Partnership Website

Qatar Manpower Solutions Co. (Jusour) Q.P.S.C will provide a partnership website (the “Partnership Website”) that displays discounts and services (“Services”) provided by companies (“Company”) that are available to [_________] (“Candidate(s)”). The Company must create an account that enables it to access and use the Partnership Website. 


The Nature of Relationship with Jusour

1- These Terms and Conditions constitute a legally binding agreement between the Company and Jusour (“Agreement”).

2- The Company's use of the Partnership Website constitutes an agreement by the Company to be bound by this agreement, and accordingly a contractual relationship is established between the Company and Jusour.

3- Jusour has the right to amend this Agreement from time to time, and these amendments will be effective when posted on the Partnership Website or when notified to me by Jusour.

4- Any decision the Company takes with regard to accessing or using Jusour Partnership Website is based on the Company’s own discretion, so that any information published on the Partnership Website is not intended to provide advice to the Company, and Jusour has no legal responsibility as a result of this access, use or reliance on the information.


a.     Creating a Company's Account: The Company acknowledges that in order to access and use Jusour’s Partnership Website to offer the services and have the services published on the Partnership Website, the Company must register on the Partnership Website and create an account on the Partnership Website that includes all its information.

 The Company confirms that they are responsible for all activities related to their account and does not allow others to use their account.


b.     Registration Information: The Companu acknowledges and agrees that the information provided while registering on the Partnership Website, including but not limited to the [__________], and any other relevant information provided are correct, accurate and complete, and the Company bears all responsibility in case the contrary is proven.

In that case, Jusour has the right to take any measures against the Company, including, but not limited to:

1.     Immediate suspension, temporary or permanent, of the Company's right to use Jusour Partnership Website.

2.     Removing any material or publishing the Candidate's uploaded to Jusour services.

3.     Pay all costs (administrative and legal costs) resulting from that breach.

4.     Disclosure of information to appropriate authorities at Jusour’s sole discretion.


c.     Conditions: The Company confirms that:

1.     they will be providing the Services including discounts published on the Partnership Website.

2.     Creation of an account does not guarantee publication of the Services on the Partnership Website.

3.     Publication of the Services on the Partnership Website is subject to approval of Jusour at all times. 

4.     The Services and discounts shall be provided to the Candidates as and when requested by them from time to time, at no additional cost or obligation to Jusour or to the Candidates. In this regard, the Company shall bear its own expenses in connection with this Agreement and neither Jusour nor the Candidate shall be under any obligation to compensate the Second Party for any work it undertakes or for any expenses or losses incurred by the Company in relation to this Agreement. 

5.     The Company acknowledges that the Candidates have the right to combine the Services and discounts in one purchase and are entitled to benefit from these Services and discounts throughout the validity period of this Agreement without any limit on the number of Services and discount use per person.

 6.     The Company will provide the Services for the duration of this Agreement in accordance with best industry practiceand in accordance with the terms of this agreement in a way that upholds at all times the reputation of Jusour and the State of Qatar.

 7.     Jusour’s sole responsibility under this Agreement is to advertise the Services on its platform for the Candidates, so long that the Company provides the Services in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.

8.     Jusour shall be entitled to use the Company’s logo for the purposes of advertising the Service on the Partnership Website.



Relationship of the Parties

The Company acknowledges and agrees that it is an independent contractor and not an employee of Jusour and nothing is intended or should be construed to create a partnership, agency, joint venture, employment relationship or any business or organization.


The Company acknowledges and agrees to maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained through Jusour's Partnership Website relating to the business operations of the Partnership Website or any other user of the Partnership Website.

Partnership Website Ownership

The ownership of Jusour’s Partnership Website and all the relevant rights shall be owned by Jusour.  The Company shall not, by virtue of this Agreement, have any rights related to the Partnership Website and shall not be entitled to claim any rights or compensation arising as a result of accessing or using this Partnership Website.


a.  The services are provided through Jusour’s Partnership Website on an “as is” basis and Jusour does not make any warranty regarding the suitability, safety or quality of the services provided on the Partnership Website. Jusour does not guarantee the availability, accuracy or completeness of the data displayed on the Partnership Website and the Company agrees to assume all risks arising from my use of the Partnership Website and the service related to it. 

b. Jusour accepts no liability arising from unauthorized use of the Company’s account that it has been created to access and use Jusour Partnership Website. In case the Company's account is used by an unauthorized person, or in the event of suspicion of a breach of security, then the Company agrees to notify Jusour immediately 

c. Jusour shall not be liable for any damages, liability or losses resulting from:



-1The Company’s use of or reliance on the Partnership Website or services, or the Company’s inability to access or use the Partnership Website or services.

 -2 Any relationship between the Company and the Candidate seeking or using the Service. In this regard, the Company acknowledges that the Services provided by the Company shall be without any liability of Jusour whether toward the the Company, the Candidate or any other third party.  

3- Delay or failure to perform the services due to reasons beyond Jusour’s control.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution

a. The Comoany acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Qatar.

b. Any dispute, claim or controversy arising as a result of this Agreement, or its interpretation or implementation shall be settled by the Qatari courts.

General Provisions

a. Entire Agreement: The Company acknowledges and agrees that this Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior understandings, negotiations, and agreements between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.

b. Assignment: The Company may not assign its rights under this Agreement without Jusour’s prior written consent

On behalf of the Candidate:



